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Graduate student

We always look for self-motivated Master and Ph.D. students to join our group. You can find information about our graduate program here. Please feel free to reach out to Dr. Ma (benma@unr.eduto inquire about the opportunities.

Current Openings: 

Undergraduate student

Our research group provides research opportunities to undergraduate students, especially for those interested in pursuing a career in engineering and science. We encourage undergraduate students to apply knowledge from the class room into real actions and work alongside graduate students and our industry partners. We believe these experiences will stand out on job interviews and graduate school applications. Interested student may apply here or contact Dr. Ma ( directly. 

Other things to know:

Reno: Reno is located in the northwest section of Nevada, along the Nevada-California border. In 2023, Reno is named the happiest place to live in the U.S, with mild, sunny weather and a variety of world‐class outdoor recreation opportunities nearby. The Lake Tahoe watershed is ~30 minutes from the city with exceptional skiing, mountain biking, kayaking, rock climbing, and hiking trails from Lake Tahoe through downtown Reno. Reno also hosts hundreds of events each year, including Burning Man and the Great Reno Balloon Race. In addition, northern Nevada is currently one of the fastest growing regions in the nation, especially in technology and manufacturing.

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Lake Tahoe (Summer 2023)

Lake Tahoe (Summer 2023)


Reno (Fall 2023)

Environmental Engineering at UNR: The University of Nevada, Reno is a Carnegie® "R1" (very high research activity) university. The university has grown substantially over the past decade, thanks to our commitment to building an inclusive, diverse and collaborative research environment. The environmental engineering program at UNR is among the top programs in the nation (#55 by U.S. News in 2023) and hosts three research centers, including Nevada Water Innovation Institute, the Global Water Center, and the Nevada Center for Water Resiliency. Our program's laboratories are certified for Biosafety Level 2 with enhanced practices (BSL-2+) and have state-of-the-art equipment including droplet digital PCR, HPLC, GC-MS/MS, GC-ECD, and FTIR. Other research facilities across UNR, including Nevada Genomics Center, Nevada Bioinformatics Center, and High Performance Computing Cluster, support research activities on environmental bioinformatics, large data set analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. 


UNR Campus (Fall 2023)


BSL-2+ Lab (dd PCR)

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Ben Ma

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

1664 N. Virginia St. University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, Nevada, 89557

Email:; Phone: (775)682-5560

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