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For updated publication list, please see Google Scholar



Wang, Y., Ma, B., Zhao, J., Tang, Z., Li, W., He, C., Xia, D., Linden, K., Yin, R., 2023. Rapid Inactivation of Fungal Spores in Drinking Water by Far-UVC Photolysis of Free Chlorine. Environ. Sci. Technol., Just accepted.


Ma, B., Burke-Bevis, S., Tiefel, L., Rosen J., Feeney, B., Linden, K. G., 2023. Reflection of UVC Wavelengths from Common Materials During Surface UV Disinfection: Assessment of Human UV Exposure and Ozone Generation. Sci. Total Environ., 869, 161848.


Ma, B., LaPara, T.M, Kim, T., Hozalski, R. M., 2023. Multi-scale investigation of ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in biofilters used for drinking water treatment. Environ. Sci. Technol., 57, 3833-3842.


Wang, Y., Ma, B., He, C., Xia, D., Yin, R., 2023. Nitrate Protects Microorganisms and Promotes Formation of Toxic Nitrogenous Byproducts during Water Disinfection by Far-UVC Radiation. Environ. Sci. Technol., 57, 9064-9074. [Cover Page Article]

Seyedi, S., Ma, B., Groves, M., King, H., Linden, K. G.. Field Study and Evaluation of KrCl* Far UV-C Device Capability for Inactivation of Phi6 Bacteriophage. Photochem. Photobiol., 99, 1293-1298 [Cover Page Article]



Ma, B., Bright, K., Ikner, L., Ley, C., Seyedi, S., Gerba, C. P., Sobsey, M. D., Piper, P., Linden, K. G., 2023. UV inactivation of common pathogens and surrogates under 222 nm irradiation from KrCl* excimer. Photochem. Photobiol., 99: 975-982. [Cover Page Article].


Ma, B., Seyedi, S., Wells, E., McCarthy, D., Crosbie, N., Linden, K. G., 2022. Inactivation of biofilm-bound bacterial cells using irradiation across UVC wavelengths. Water Res., 217, 118379.


Henderson, J., Ma, B., Cohen, M., Dazey, J., Meschke J. S., Linden, K. G., 2022. Field Study of Early Implementation of UV Sources and their Relative Effectiveness for Public Health and Safety. J Occup. Environ. Hyg., 1-14.



Ma, B., Gundy, P. M., Gerba, C. P., Sobsey, M. D., Linden, K. G., 2021. UV Inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 across the UVC spectrum: KrCl* excimer, mercury-vapor, and LED sources. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 87: e01532-21. 



Ma, B., LaPara, T.M., Hozalski, R. M., 2020. The microbiome of drinking water biofilters is influenced by environmental factors and engineering decisions but has little influence on the microbiome of the filtrate. Environ. Sci. Technol., 54, 18, 11526–11535.


Ma, B., Linden, Y. S., Gundy, P. M., Gerba, C. P., Sobsey, M. D., Linden, K. G., 2021. Inactivation of Coronaviruses and Phage Phi6 from Irradiation across UVC Wavelengths. ES&T Letters, 8, 5, 425-430.


Hozalski, R. M., Ma, B., Evans, A. N., Page, S. E., Zhang, Z., Mitch, W. A., Russell, C., Peldszus, S., Van Dyke, M. I., Huck, P. M., 2021. Production of N‑Nitrosodimethylamine precursors by biofilters is highly dynamic and affected by filter media type and backwashing conditions. ACS ES&T Water., 1, 3, 661-671.

Ma, B., LaPara, T.M, Hozalski, R. M., 2020. Effects of geographic location and water quality on bacterial communities in full-scale biofilters across North America. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 96, fiz210.

Prior to 2020


Zhang Z., Ma, B., Hozalski, R. M., Russell, C., Evans, A. N., Led, K. O., Van Dyke, M. I., Peldszus, S., Huck, P. M., Szczuka, A., Mitch, W. A. 2019. Bench-scale column evaluation of factors associated with changes in N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) precursor concentrations during drinking water biofiltration. Water Res., 167, 115103.


Ma, B., Arnold, W.A., Hozalski, R.M., 2018. The relative roles of sorption and biodegradation in the removal of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in GAC-sand biofilters. Water Res., 146, 67–76.

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Ben Ma

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

1664 N. Virginia St. University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, Nevada, 89557

Email:; Phone: (775)682-5560

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